Custom presentation products and sample processing for businesses and organizations
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Presentatiemap met handvat
Ringband met handvat
Ringband op maat
Stevige map met handvat
presentatiemap met handvat

Presentation folder with cover and handle

This luxurious presentation folder, which is filled with pleated curtain samples, has a sturdy cover that falls over the handle. The cover is attached next to the handle with magnets, allowing you to easily carry it like a suitcase and present it neatly. The inside of the folder has a slipcase where information sheets or loose samples can be kept. The presentation folder contains an entire collection of pleated samples neatly lined up and secured with magnets. The samples have one layer of folded fabric that can be unfolded like a harmonica (zig-zag). This way of folding is also used in the pleated curtains themselves.
With this presentation folder, the product is presented in the right way!

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